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Purnima Thakre

The Big Pivot

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

In times of uncertainty, it’s the people who pivot who are best prepared. While COVID-19 has sent plenty of businesses spinning into crisis mode, others have shown great agility and ingenuity by pivoting to thrive during these uncertain times.

From dog walkers delivering groceries to cannabis companies producing hand sanitizer, here are seven of refine+focus’s top picks for businesses exemplifying the creative spirit of pivoting


1. From sewing bow ties to making masks, New Orleans small business NOLA Beaux Ties, is pivoting to support health care providers responding to COVID-19

From ABC News

2. A Scottish dog walking company has pivoted to delivering groceries and medicine to its elderly clients, free of charge.

3. Veoleo Press, a small publishing company of Spanish children’s books, has pivoted to a pay-as-you-wish model selling coloring sheets that are created by Latinx artists to maintain Spanish learning in the home during the quarantine.


4. Individuals are pivoting too. Boston based small business networking community,, has observed that restaurants and retailers are increasingly hiring out-of-work wait staff to deliver food and goods to consumers.

5. Bigger businesses can also pivot. Anheuser Busch went from selling beer to producing and distributing bottles of hand sanitizer.

Via Twitter: @AnheuserBusch

6. Edible Arrangements has also pivoted from offering elaborate bouquets of fruits cut in the shape of flowers, to providing assorted boxes of whole fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, and melon.

7. Even cannabis companies are pivoting. The Commonwealth Dispensary Association of Massachusetts, which represents 36 marijuana businesses statewide, announced that its members could start producing hand sanitizer to be donated to local hospitals.


While the importance of pivoting has never been more timely, it’s nothing new. In Professor Steven Rogers of HBS’s 2013 TED Talk, Rogers cites that 93% of all entrepreneurial successful companies have pivoted at least one time.

We are in an unprecedented and rapidly changing situation. But the entrepreneurial spirit is exactly what we need right now. By showing creativity and the willingness to pivot, any businesses can not only survive but also thrive during this time.


Ready to pivot? Not sure where to start? Get in touch for a complimentary conversation at

Don’t forget to check out our updated event calendar where we’re constantly curating virtual events that you’ll want to attend and share with others.

P.S. Here’s a recap of the positive and innovative ideas shared at our virtual Curiouser last week — send us a note to if you want to join us next time.

Cover photo by Brendan Church

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